What are the basic components of an HTML document?

The basic components of an HTML document include:

  • Document type declaration: This is the very first line of an HTML document and specifies the version of HTML being used.
  • HTML tag: This tag is used to indicate the beginning and end of an HTML document.
  • Head section: This section contains meta-data about the document, including the title of the page, links to CSS stylesheets, and other information that isn’t displayed on the page.
  • Body section: This section contains the actual content of the webpage, including text, images, links, and other elements.
  • Tags: HTML uses tags to define the structure and content of a document. Some commonly used tags include headings (h1-h6), paragraphs (p), lists (ul, ol), links (a), images (img), and tables (table).
  • Attributes: HTML tags can have attributes that provide additional information about the element. For example, the “src” attribute of an image tag specifies the location of the image file.
  • Comments: HTML allows developers to add comments to their code using the <!– –> syntax. Comments are not displayed on the webpage, but can be useful for documenting code or leaving reminders for other developers.